May 16: submissions open
June 30: early-bird submission deadline
July 18: final submission deadline
A conference by Australian testers for the International testing community.
The inaugural Australian Testing Days event will take place in Melbourne on May 20 & 21, 2016.
Website – http://testengineeringalliance.com/australian-testing-days-2016/
http://testengineeringalliance.com/call-for-participation/ CFP ends on Jan 31st, 2016.
European Testing Conference 2016
Where – Bucharest, Romania.
When – 11-12 February 2016 at Radisson Blu, Calea Victoriei 63-81
Website – http://europeantestingconference.eu/
Buy your ticket here: https://holvi.com/shop/EuroTestingConf/
Who / What – Agile India 2016 Conf is Asia’s Largest & Premier Conference on Agile, Lean, Scrum, eXtreme Programming, Lean-Startup, Kanban, Continuous Delivery, DevOps, Enterprise Agile, Patterns and more.
The conference will host 3 parallel tracks. The CFP Early Bird for Agile India 2016 will close on September 10th 2015.